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Why a 1200 Calorie Diet Is Great for Weight Loss

Due to a stressful and fast life, obesity has become a modern phenomenon in most homes of our country. People slog at work for most of the day and don’t care about their food and health, which is making them eat more whenever they are getting time. No physical activity with reckless eating without counting the calories which one needs to intake makes life worse than ever. Obesity is making people sick and killing them every day. Therefore, the concept of a 1200 calorie diet has come into existence to fight the battle against obesity.

You might wonder how an adult can survive on a 1200 calorie diet per day, wouldn’t you?

Why a 1200 Calorie Diet Is Great for Weight Loss
But this is what a doctor would recommend you to follow if you want to shed the fat without losing your muscle mass. The minimum amount of calories that a man needs to have is 1600, and in case of a woman, it is around 1400. So why would doctors recommend going on a 1200 calorie diet?

A 1200 calorie diet is not about having junk food. It is rather about having the right number of calories from the right food items so that your body can have the required amount of energy, but with less fat.

  • How to plan a 1200 calorie diet?

The most important part of going on a 1200 calorie diet is to plan it properly. This diet plan should include all the required nutrition divided into four meals along with snacks. But first of all, if you are thinking of opting for this diet, you need to have a strict control over your emotional eating habit (if you have any).
  • Breakfast should be the king of all meals.
    The most amount of energy we need in a day is during the first half as we need to pull ourselves up from the bed, freshen up, have our breakfast, head to work, and then slog for hours at work. So how should one derive the right amount of calories and nutrients from breakfast? You need to have at least 300-400 calories during your breakfast. A sample of healthy breakfast under a 1200 calorie diet regime would comprise two scrambled egg whites along with a cup of milk, bananas or any other fruits with some whole grains and some berries. You can also have bread or toasts with little amounts of butter along with a few nuts and fruits on the platter. You cannot miss on the fruits when you are following this regime. Moreover, the fruits must be low in fat so that you get the nutrition without adding on the calories.
  • What should your lunch include?
    A proper lunch under the 1200 calorie diet plan must have 400-500 calories. There are loads of options you can choose from while thinking about your diet. Firstly, if you are a vegan, you can go for watery vegetables like cucumbers, sprouts, lettuce, and radishes which are full of fiber and are healthy as well. Make your salad look gorgeous and taste great by adding a few drops of olive oil and a little bit of lemon juice. Green salads are a great way to eat healthily and feel full without getting any cravings later. If you are a non-vegan, you can add pieces of grilled chicken with the salad and make it taste heavenly at the same time. You might also have chicken with two slices of bread, which will add up to the calories you need to maintain. But don’t forget to have at least one fruit item as mentioned above. Otherwise, you can rely on milk. You can have eight ounces of milk with loads of fresh fruits to maintain the required calories.
  • Make your snacks fit your diet regime.
    Snacks are mandatory, aren’t they? We all love snacking time to time, but what snacks can you eat under this 1200 calorie diet? How about a cup of fresh green tea with some cream crackers? You can also opt for walnuts, blueberries or if you are free at home, make a tub of popcorn for yourself.
  • What’s for dinner?
    A dinner needs to be the lightest of all meals. It should have the remaining amount of calories, which is 400 calories. To spice it up without adding fat to your body, you can have salmon with brown rice and salad. If you don’t like to have seafood, you must have chicken to add to the required amount of proteins. For a vegan, brown rice and salad along with lentils are apt.
  • A 1200 calorie diet might seem very difficult for the first few days, but being obese and having different health problems can be worse than maintaining a strict diet. So if you can maintain this regime, you can get a healthy and fit body within a short span of time.

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