Apart from online job listings, here are other ways to find your next job
Looking for a suitable job can be a very long process; however, getting stuck in the wrong kind of workplace can be worst. While the online space is filled with job listings, the chances of getting a good position that is suitable to your liking can be like aiming for a jackpot.
Perusing through job listings should be one of the tasks on your agenda; however, there are few other ways that you can use to approach your dream job faster. Here are the other best links that will aid in your job hunt.
Friends and ex-colleagues – There may be a lot of friends and colleagues from your past work organizations who are likely to know of job openings that may be of interest to you.

Events – Attending events is the best way to socialize and meet people who share similar interest as you do. You can go to any events such charities and professional gatherings. Talk to people who you think are influential and can help you out or put you in contact with other influential people.
Alumni – Alumni who have attended the same educational institutions as you are great links to industries that you may be looking to work for. They are likely to have several things in common with you such as hobbies and values. Try to remain in contact with them as they can be a great source even when you have doubts regarding your professional choices as they will deeper knowledge about it.
Headhunters – If you already have enough experience in a field and are looking for higher-level positions, headhunters can then be your link. They can give you information on various job listings and recommend you for exclusive jobs that require senior level professionals. However, you should ensure to choose a headhunter wisely.