8 Early Signs of Cardiomyopathy
Cardiomyopathy is a severe condition that affects one’s heart muscle, lowering the organ’s ability to circulate blood throughout the body. As a result, the patient develops critical health complications. In many instances, people who develop cardiomyopathy also have an irregular or disturbed heart rhythm. Several factors can increase the risk of the disorder, such as high blood pressure, viral infections, and coronary heart disease. Here are some early signs of cardiomyopathy one should not ignore.
Persistent fatigue
Extreme fatigue is one of the more common cardiomyopathy symptoms in adults. Fatigue arises even after performing simple tasks, such as walking a few paces or climbing a flight of stairs.

Heart palpitations
Palpitations occur when a person’s heart beats extremely (and dangerously) fast, pounds incessantly, and flutters due to a disturbed rhythm.
Chest pain
Cardiomyopathy is known to cause heart-related disorders like atrial fibrillation. This condition causes clots to form in certain blood vessels, impacting blood circulation throughout the body. As a result, the patient experiences shortness of breath. They also use more energy and higher amounts of oxygen to keep their body going, which results in chest pain, heaviness in the upper abdomen, and dizziness. Chest pain is a common symptom of many health conditions. Nevertheless, one should not take it lightly, as it may be one of the earliest indicators of cardiomyopathy.
The heart is densely packed with blood vessels, nerves, and functional muscles. Certain types of cardiomyopathies cause the muscle tissue in the heart’s right ventricle to become immobile or dead. This dead tissue is replaced by a scar, which affects the heart’s functionality and causes congestion within the organ. The problem gradually disrupts the heart’s electrical system and causes arrhythmias, a condition mainly characterized by extreme heartbeat irregularities.
Edema in the legs and ankles
As implied earlier, cardiomyopathy congests the space within the various ventricles of the heart. Over time, this can lead to congestive heart failure, a condition characterized by poor and inadequate blood pumping from and to the heart’s chambers. Due to this problem, a person’s blood does not flow as intended. It collects in places where it may not be required and causes swelling or edema. This misdirected blood often tends to back up in a person’s legs, feet, and ankles. Therefore, swollen or enlarged feet are a potential indicator of cardiomyopathy. This symptom is easily noticeable in many cases and should be examined by an expert.
Frequent loss of consciousness
As discussed, cardiomyopathy leads to tiredness and weakness due to disrupted blood circulation in various parts of the body. Poor blood circulation also causes regular episodes of lightheadedness and dizziness throughout the day. Therefore, it is fairly common for patients to have fainting spells when they develop a heart condition like cardiomyopathy. Fainting or lightheadedness is usually a symptom that drives people to visit a health professional for an accurate diagnosis.
Abdominal bloating
As implied earlier, cardiomyopathy causes blood and other critical bodily fluids to accumulate in specific places, causing edema or pain. A person’s abdomen is one such place where blood and fluids can settle. When that happens, it can lead to severe bloating and discomfort. Unfortunately, many individuals dismiss bloating as a minor digestive issue, which is a mistake. This symptom should not be ignored as it can be a precursor to a whole host of other serious and potentially fatal health conditions.
Incessant coughing
Cardiomyopathy causes chest discomfort while breathing in and out. This discomfort occasionally results in coughing as the lungs work overtime to provide oxygen to the organs that power one’s bodily functions. Incessant, hoarse coughing is a common sign of several heart conditions and respiratory illnesses. Therefore, those who encounter it should visit a healthcare professional and receive a diagnosis and treatment.
Cardiomyopathy is closely linked with heart failure and other complications that can be fatal. Hence, one should not ignore these symptoms and see an expert to determine the cause.