6 Ways to Deal With Heart Palpitations
Palpitations are the general or heightened awareness of the heartbeat, especially when it seems to be too slow, too fast, or just irregular. They a lso make one feel like their heart is racing, thumping, or fluttering. Such sensations can develop at any time—while sitting, lying down, moving, or standing still , but they typically last for a few seconds. But, if the palpitations persist, it is important to find ways to relieve them .
1. Stay hydrated
A lack of water in the body messes with its electrolyte balance, which directly affects the way blood is circulated. Also, dehydration has been known to lower blood pressure and cause palpitations.

2. Limit caffeine intake
Excessive caffeine intake is one of the main triggers for arrhythmia or irregular heartbeat—a condition that can cause palpitations. That’s why those who regularly opt for caffeinated foods and drinks should keep their overall intake in check.
3. Exercise regularly
A lack of physical activity can contribute to various health conditions, including heart palpitations. Exercising is known to be stimulating and enriching for not just the heart but the whole body. This is why one must come up with a workout routine and stick to it as much as possible. At the same time, one should avoid overdoing it, as the body is pumped with adrenaline while engaging in intense workouts. A sharp spike in adrenaline can contribute to irregular heart rate. So, certain low- to moderate-intensity exercises, such as walking and yoga, can be safer than high-intensity workouts when dealing with heart palpitations.
One can always consult a physician before creating an exercise routine. During the consultation, they can ask for a personalized workout plan to avoid sudden spikes in adrenaline.
4. Limit sodium intake
Sodium, one of the primary chemical elements in salt, is known to be debilitative for the heart. The mineral boosts the heart’s rhythm and makes the organ pump faster almost immediately. This is why excessive salt intake is directly linked to irregularities in heart rhythm. So, excessive intake of salty foods like French fries and chips can increase the risk of heart palpitations. While healthy habits like drinking a lot of water and exercising have been known to counter the effects of excessive sodium, one should still limit the intake of salty foods to minimize the risk of frequent heart palpitations.
5. Get enough sleep
An unhealthy lifestyle, which includes poor sleeping habits, has an extremely negative impact on cardiac health. Not getting enough sleep for a long time is one of the prime causes of cardiac arrest. Sleeping at least 6 to 8 hours every night lowers stress levels in the body and keeps blood pressure in check, reducing the risk of palpitations. Getting enough rest is also the best way to prevent fatigue during the day. So, one should prioritize getting quality sleep. When dealing with disorders like sleep apnea, which leads to irregular breathing patterns, one should seek treatment to avoid disruptions while asleep. That’s not all. Getting 8 hours of sleep every day can help reduce the dependence on caffeine during the day, which also keeps palpitations at bay.
6. Manage stress
Stress is also a common trigger for a number of health conditions, like hypertension, heart disease, and diabetes. It can increase the heart rate within no time , increasing the risk of palpitations . So, stress management is one of the common remedies for relieving heart palpitations. This involves trying relaxation techniques like mindfulness, deep breathing, counseling or therapy, journaling, exercising, and meditation. Engaging in such practices can help calm the mind and keep stressful thoughts at bay, reducing stress levels within the body.
In addition to trying remedies to stop heart palpitations, maintaining a healthy lifestyle by choosing balanced and nourishing foods can help in dealing with palpitations and maintaining overall heart health. But , if one experiences palpitations frequently, they should consult a doctor and get a complete health checkup. This can help one determine if a health issue is responsible for these irregular sensations.